Tuesday 28 April 2015

A walk through an exhibition.

Chitrakala Parishath is a fine arts institution that conducts exhibition on handicrafts and painting on a regular basis. I visit the place very often on the pretext of shopping but for my last visit I took the camera along with me for testing my outdoor photography. It was a perfect Saturday afternoon for shopping as well as photography. So, I will take you through the exhibition through my photos. This a slightly like a photo essay. Enjoy. :)
Under the canopy of trees. *Psst* The exhibition attracts all the ladies. :P

Handicrafts from Bijapur

 The Lambani tribe from Bijapur is known for their jewelry.

Spotted this adorable kid. :')

- My shopping buddy. XD

Courtesy: Chitrakala Parishath 

Lastly, I spotted this piece of art.
It gets you thinking.

Yeah I know its been long since I posted. I've been working on something. Hope to post it soon.
I guess that's it for now, Until next time. Bye. :)

Thursday 2 April 2015

Dim Hallways

I'm walking through the dark hallway of my school. All I can see is darkness in the path and dim lighted stone walls through my peripheral vision giving a sense of an endless hallway. I'm striding towards the unknown darkness feeling a nagging sense of being pursued by someone. I can feel the fear deep in my gut as my breathing shallows. I don't know how long I keep running when I finally find a stairs that stands out stark white in the dark. I will myself to run faster. As I near the stairs I sense a strong pull from behind. I feel like the gravity is working horizontally and I'm trying my best to move forward. The force is tugging on my clothes; my legs; my skin and insides. I'm screaming and trying to push away, all in vain. I reach the foot of the stairs with all my might. As I'm about to step forward I feel a gut wrenching pull on my stomach and I wake up with a jolt, breathing heavily. I'm sweating profusely and feel disoriented. I check  my phone and its 4:30 in the morning. I slump back and wait for my breathing to normalize before going back to sleep.
I wake up to a lot of shouting and darkness again. I walk over to the living room to see silhouettes of my family standing huddled up at the window. They are shouting and swearing at someone on the road. My mother sees me and her eyes are filled with horror. She beckons me to go to my room and bring her something. I run to my room and grab the first thing and run back to the living room to find everything in a state of normalcy. The light is back; my brother is exercising, my mother is cooking and grand mum is snoozing over the newspaper. A usual morning.I check the time. Its 7:30. I stand there trying to decipher the confusion and I'm being dragged away from the dreamworld. Again. This time towards reality.
I had this dream an hour ago. I'm so confused and befuddled right now. I actually had a dream within a dream. Dreams that did not even make sense. I did not even watch anything spooky. Wow. I have weird dreams in the afternoon. This got me thinking. What if we are all just a part of a big dream someone's having? Gah. It sounds stupid. Anyways, I know this is not the my best writing or anything but I had to write this down! I'm sorry I couldn't post on the 31st. It was an overwhelming day. Yesterday I binge watched movies. I'm working on something my friend suggested. Seems interesting. I guess that's it for now. Until next time. Bye. :)

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Serendipitous Rains.

Hi there. So, this is my attempt at a mood piece. Criticism of any nature is welcome. :)

She was stuck in a moment of diffused reality and dream when she jolted out of her afternoon nap. The slanted sun rays that seeped through the window stung her skin. She pulled down the curtains and slumped back on the bed. She had a love hate relationship with afternoon naps. She loved the sound and deep sleep and hated the head rush and the feel of disorientation that followed. As her head slowly found its way back to reality, images of morning flashed by her mind. Ugh. That really happened, didn't it? she thought to herself. Her Sunday morning hadn't gone as planned. One spur of the moment honesty led to a series of events she wished it hadn't. The dust motes scattered as she stretched her hand. They looked beautiful as they swayed along with her hand in the diffused sunlight. It brought a small smile on her face. She instantly got up and started banging her bed with the pillow. The dust motes were a frenzy and went haywire while she played and tried creating patterns.She laughed at her childish behavior and admitted to her mom's constant yelling that her room needed cleaning. The hour hand pointed at 4 on the clock. It had been 6 hours since the fight and she had not got a single text. She checked her phone for the 100th time, the notification bar was empty. She sent a risky text chewing the insides of her cheek with apprehension all the while. She sighed and put down her phone.
She put  Belle and Sebastian on the music system and set off on the task of cleaning her room. A tiresome task. She liked her room the way it was. She usually found her things easily except for her college books which was quite convenient for her. She cleaned her room monotonously for a while until she noticed a change in the lighting of the room. She drew up the curtains to a shadowed sun and cloudy sky promising a good downpour. This elated her heart and warmed up her insides. There was nothing in the world apart from unexpected rains and Nutella that made her immensely happy. She took in the earthly hue and awaited the rain to clear her mind. She stood by the window guesstimating the amount of time it would take for it to rain and get a reply to her text. The downpour commenced  with a thunderous roar when she felt her phone vibrate. A smile slipped out as she read the unexpected text. After reading it several times she put down her phone and dashed out towards the terrace to enjoy the unexpected rains.

Too short? Good? Bad? Tell me about it. I have my boards in 4 days. It hasn't yet hit me. Well, that's it for now. My next post will be on 31st. Until then. Bye. :)

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Book Review : Paper Towns.

Paper Towns had been long pending in my books-to-read list. So, I sat down and read it last week. Paper Towns is coming of age novel by John Green which revolves around the story of a high school boy, Quentin, whose life revolves around the mysterious, cool kid and his neighbor, Margo Roth Spiegelman. Everything is sailing smooth in Quentin’s life until one night Margo pops up in his room and asks him for a car ride. They embark on an adventurous and exciting night travel completing Margo’s eleven tasks for the evening. Quentin starts to believe that he is getting to know Margo better since their last mysterious encounter in Jefferson Park at the age of 9. Margo Roth Spiegelman disappears from Orlando the next day. Margo was known for her runaways, adventures and her vague clues on her whereabouts but Quentin believed that this time Margo left the clues for him to follow and join her or just find her. What follows next is Quentin doing everything he can to find Margo which results in him discovering himself and Margo; going on the best road trip of his life with his friends and understanding what Margo meant about Paper Towns.
Written in first person this book is funny, endearing and beautiful in its own way. Its illuminates the thin line between fiction and reality. You get to discover this whole new side of Quentin who was just considered a mediocre kid and his character develops tremendously as the book progresses. The book has its ups and downs depending on how much you don’t mind high school drama. I like Margo’s character and her whole perspective on life, especially her thoughts on Paper Towns. A character like Margo is present in each of our lives with a notch down on the runaways or maybe not. The mysterious- social bird-adventurous-happy go lucky kind of character who gives a false impression that you know them but in reality you don’t. Did that sentence even make sense? o.O Anyways, the book takes you through a whole comical and exciting journey where you question about life in general and what the hell  is one doing with their precious days as a youth. If you are enjoying and last of the high school days and making the most of it, Good job. If you aren’t, well, wake up you fool! Wait. Exams are either going on or to start in a few days so study for it and make the most of it after the exams! XD I liked the book and it did make me smile at the end. I would recommend the book if you want to read a light book during a travel or just kill boredom or love John Green. XD I would like conclude with quote from the book: "It is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined. "
I guess that's it for now. Until next time. Bye. :)

Tuesday 17 February 2015

First Post.

Hi there! I'm a 17 year old from Bangalore. My 12th boards start in 32 days but here I am starting a blog. Yeah, inspiration does know how to crash in at the wrong time. xD I'd been planning on starting a blog for a long time but laziness and procrastination, my two companions thought otherwise. Anyways, I made up my mind today and here I am. I'm interested in writing and photography so many of my posts will be regarding that. For a starter I'm going to be posting a write up. I told my friend to pick out a random word : Bench. We were in the class, sitting on a bench. I guess my friend was bored and just blurted out the word thinking I wasn't serious about it. xD I've taken up writing after a very long time so I'm a little apprehensive. Any kind of suggestions and criticism is always welcome. :)  Here it goes:
Twilight, the magic hour was just looming over the corner as Jack sat on the bench waiting for Mia. Waiting for her answer. He looked at his watch for the umpteenth time past the half hour.The minute hand had laboriously moved one number higher since the last time he'd glanced at it.Time travels in diverse paces with diverse people. As he chuckled at that quote he could sense her. He could see her walking towards him, smell the pleasant perfume and feel the air slapping his face gently but he couldn't hear her footsteps or her surprised giggle at the sight of a butterfly. He sighed at the imperfections of the world as she gracefully sat next to him. She smiled warmly and gave him a tentative hug. She could feel his over heated palm under hers', hear the constant tapping of his foot and see the expectant look on his face. Oh how she wished she could just say Chill Jack! Sighing she took  out her Notepad and and wrote a bigYES:). She could hear him laugh with joy as he saw her beautiful grin. Getting up in a gentleman like fashion he held out his hand to her. She happily placed her hand in his and they walked hand in hand towards the lake.
            The sky looked magical with the myriad shades of orange that got reflected by the lake which gave away a picturesque view. Sia did not miss the chance to take a photo of the view. Looking around she found the perfect bench and walked towards it. She noticed a paper with a YES :) on the bench. For an unknown reason she felt like that the note belonged there. Smiling she took a photo of the note with the bench in background. I ought to give it a cheesy caption,she chuckled. She loved photo-walks. They gave her an insight into the raw reality and the beauty of nature and life. Setting up her paraphernalia she waited for the right moment when the orange hue of the twilight just melted away with darkness of the night and clicked the perfect picture. She smiled at her days' work and started walking towards the exit. Little did she know at that point of time that her picture would gain her her dream job.
             The park was to close in  20 minutes and Sam chose to sit down on the bench for a while after his jogging routine. The chill air was welcoming to his hyperactive body and the turn of events in his life. An hour ago he was told he would be dad in 9 months. He would hold a baby and be responsible for it, for her in 9 months.To a 22 year old just married man this was a huge thing to wrap his head around. He had taken the time to deliberate this. As he was glancing at his surroundings he spotted her walking towards him. All his deliberations and apprehensions vanished. He just knew what to do. He smiled at her warmly as she sat down on the bench. She smiled nervously and asked him: "Are you okay?" Just as he was about to answer her he spotted the paper YES :) written on it. He showed it to her and kissed her. She snuggled in to his embrace and they sat there for the rest of the time in peace as the last of the orange hue succumbed to the tranquil night darkness. As the two of them got up Sam picked up the piece of paper and tucked it into his pocket.
               If that bench were a person they would be overwhelmed right now with all events that took place in the twilight. Indeed its a called the magical hour for a reason.
You can leave your suggestions and criticism below. I would love to know your views about it. I guess that's it for now. Until next time. Bye. :)
PS I love twilight ( I meant part of the day and not the book series XD)